Helping people and their animals balance their energy to thrive in their environments.
Martha Collins, BA, BEd
The body and spirit is meant to thrive and serve us on our journey, if given the right aids. Energy is the essence of everything and it can either serve or block us if we are not aware of how it affects us.
My natural healing journey began over 30 years ago. I trained in dowsing with the Holistic Intuitive Society/Canadian Society of Dowsers, with mentors Bill Askin, Walt Woods, and Harold McCoy (founder of the Osark Research Institute) and Raymon Grace. Each of these teachers taught me invaluable techniques in working with the Universal energies and how to apply them as a service to humanity.
I earned my certifications in all five levels of Traditional Chinese Feng Shui, acquired in the Year of the Dragon 2000, from Feng Shui Master Dr. David Lai, founder of Polar Universe Astrology and Acupuncture in Calgary AB.
Feng Shui principles can be very helpful in setting up an environment that can enhance the health, work, or family aspects of a person’s life.
I received my levels one and two of the Bach [Flowers] International Education Program. I have also earned credentials in herbology & supplements, homeopathy, crystal energy, & essential oils.
These are just some of the tools I have available to help clients. I have come to find that the energy/vibration of something is an essential element in having a balanced and peaceful existence, and everything in nature will always strive to maintain balance in order to thrive.
Frequently Used Modalities
Your energy clearing session may include some of these methods, depending on what is required.
Everything in the universe is made of energy, with its own vibration. Dowsing is a tool that enables the dowser to tap into universal energies and focus their intuitive mind to interpret the energies and influences that exist all around us. Dowsing as a practice can help provide better information and answers for specific questions, and primarily to help clear out energetic and karmic programs that are not serving our current path and purpose.
Bach Flower Remedies
Bach flower remedies are a complimentary treatment for mental and emotional pain. Derived from extracts of wild flowers, they were created in the 1900s by MD and homeopath, Dr. Edward Bach. These are an excellent support for anything from facing unknown fears, to life transitions.
Crystals and Qi
Similar to dowsing, crystals are a more passive way to focus intuitive energy and interpretations. Each crystal has its own earth vibration within it, and can be used specifically to encourage energy flow (qi) by aiding us to focus our energy in the qi of the intention focused on the correct vibration of crystal.
Feng Shui
Feng shui is an ancient Chinese traditional practice that uses energy forces to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment. Rooted in landscapes and water flow, the “cosmis current” (energy/Qi) directs energy through a place or structure. Feng Shui practice can affect these flows to improve wealth, happiness, long life, and family. Feng Shui includes astronomical, astrological, architectural, cosmological, geographical, and topographical elements of practice.
What is energy balancing?
Energy is the essence of everything and it can either serve us or block us if we are not aware of how it affects us. Think of dropping a large rock into a lake. The ripples radiate in a beautiful, balanced pattern until they are one with the body of water. When a handful of smaller rocks is thrown in nearby, the ripples become chaotic and there is no clear path. Energy balancing is like this, it helps clear away the little “rocks” that are being thrown into your flow and allow you to see and feel a more clear path. Animals and children respond quickly to most energy healings as they don’t tend to analyze the way adults often do. They are an open book and want to get back to balance if they are “off” in some way, but we can all learn to release and recalibrate our vibration. Sometimes the unseen energy in their surroundings can affect them in non beneficial ways and that is when energy healing can play a significant role.
The energy/vibration of something, be it animate or inanimate, is an essential element in having a balanced and peaceful existence. Everything in nature will always strive to maintain balance in order to thrive.
Is energy balancing a spiritual practice?
It can be, and is for many people. It is also scientific and practical. It is also intuitive and historical. There is no one label or box to put the practice, and it is open for any approach, depending on the perspective of the individual. Whether your approach to receiving a clearing is spiritual, scientific, or intuitive, the common element is a free choice and willingness to receive.